Sunday, November 30, 2008

Can You Really Monetize A Blog

Do you want to earn money the easiest way? There are much ways to earn money without exerting too much effort. Mostly, online businesses are the easiest way to gain money. Internet has made it possible for individuals to earn a living without the use of physical function. You only have to be skillful and knowledgeable about the different ways of dealing business online.

You will be seeing many letters over internet and most of them are about sales. For you to be able to earn money, you need to have your own website. But buying or creating one is extremely expensive. Even if you exert all you human efforts on researching, buying all the books but if you realize that you do not have millions; you will never be successful in this task. You obviously need a lot of money to finance your needs such as buying domain names, web space, advertising and other related expenses. However, there is another way to sell, it is by creating blogs.

Blogs are free and aside from that, there are many reasons way you can earn money easily by using blogs. This will be a sure success for you.

Remember that blogs do not require programming, web design and artistic skills, so it is easy to manage plus the set up is very easy. You can go to the different websites that accepts blogs. Register for a new account and you can start posting your advertisements right after.

Blogging does not require too many expenses. There is no associated cost with blogging. You can save up to piles of money by using blogs other than producing your websites. A typical domain can cost you a lot of money while using blogs; you can create account without spending heaps of money. You can add blogs as many as you want.

This type of business over internet is also known as affiliate marketing. It is one among the easiest way to gain money without spending too much on making websites. However, you need to pay the percentage of the merchandise that is sold through the site. It is better than building your own website. People use this type of business to describe their products through blogging and provide the links to their affiliate links to make commissions.

If you are always using the internet, you are aware of how difficult it is to get indexed on the different search engines online. Aside from that, getting a high rank on search engines is difficult as well. In blogging, you do not need to wait for long time to be indexed by a particular search engine. One week time is enough for your blog to be seen over the different search engines.

There are so many online marketers that use the different search engines to make money. Most of the search engines own a particular blogsites which allows anybody to post any type of blogs in any amount. Once that a person clicks your blog, you will be receiving revenues based on how many clicks your blogs have received. Imagine that easy?

By blogging, you will have the chance to earn money the easiest way. You only need to be patience and determined to be able to gain success in the business.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Which Blogging Platform To Use

Blogging is one of the hottest craze on the internet. It enables you to discuss about a particular topic, like politics, food, latest news and other topics that you can think of. The possibilities are endless, you can discuss about your hobbies, interests and other things that interests you.

You can create your own blog by using blog hosting websites or through the use of blogging software. Creating blog pages is also much easier than a conventional website. It has features that can let a person create a website blog even if he or she has little or no knowledge about html or other formats used to create a website.

You can easily post a topic in blogs and can also be easily updated. Here is what a blog typically consist of :

The title or headline of the post, the body or the main content of the post, a message box for the comments of the readers, a link or URL of the article, and the date of when the post was published in the blog. You can also add categories for subjects that the post discusses, and a link to other websites that refer to the post.

You can also create a blog in a journal format where you can keep all your personal everyday activities in the internet. You can restrict on who can and who cannot read your blogs by creating a sign in page where it will require a user name and password from the reader.

A blog can also be used to make extra money online by adding some affiliate program or an Adsense program in your blogging web page.

You can create and maintain your own blog by using different systems. There are many software available in the market that enables you to create, maintain and even delete your own blogs. These software are usually very easy to use and people with little or no knowledge about html can easily create their own blog page.

Whatever type of blog you want to create, you can be sure that blogging software can make it easier for you to create your own blog. Maintaining your blog is also important to keep readers loyal and interested in reading your blogs. There are blogging software that has features that lets you easily update and maintain your blogging website.

When choosing a blogging software, there are things that you should consider to make it work for you. Here are some features that you should look for in a blogging software:

Ping Updates
This feature is very important in a blogging software. It allows you to update your blog and keep readers happy. You should remember that this feature should be included when choosing a blogging software.

A comments box should be included in your blog software. This keeps the readers happy because it allows them to participate in the topic. This is where they post comments and suggestions regarding your article.

This is very obvious. You are making a blog to let others read about it in the internet. You want your blogging software to instantly make your blogs and updates available online.

Another feature that you should consider in a blogging software is the ability to categorize your blogs. This allows you to organize your blogs and let readers easily find a particular topic that has been recently removed.

These are some of the things you should consider when choosing a blogging software. Be sure to choose one that has all of these features to make it easier for you.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Inspiration Behind Blogging

In the 20th century, people got inspired to write their own articles and diaries online. This phenomenon is now been referred to as blogging.

Currently, there are news blogs, tech blogs, sex blogs, commentary blogs, drug blogs and other teenage blogs. The news and documentary blogs are sites that consist of links and posted arguments and ideas.

These sites have been sources of major news outlets, media and traditional journalism. On top of these all, the blogging phenomenon is clear and real. This occurrence is gradually changing and unifying the diverse world of media. Blogging only proves the evolution of media and journalism.

Blogs can do things that eMagazines or web magazines cannot do. Blogs are informative and contains more of personal matters about the author's life.

Through blogging, a writer is able to express anything even his temper can be transparent. Blogs contain deep sensibility and human touches unlike magazines and newspapers.

Nowadays, readers have become more doubtful about the media. People now realize that behind the curtain of these popular readings are untrustworthy writers and editors. They write to live and thus, their writings are only products of their selfishness.

Blogging is the real democratic journalism as its best and as its purest. Through blogging, one will be able to declare his own independence. Lone bloggers will eventually be the most successful writers in the envisioned world of true journalism. This is because they earned the respect of the readers.

Online sites like help you set up a web page can make you an established writer. At the start, you can work at a blog free and then eventually you can reach millions of readers worldwide and can make a profit as well. Blogging challenges the audience of opinionated magazines and traditional newspapers.

Now, why not create an online blog with your own ideas and consequently sell your own book through your web site. The advantage of the blog technology is that one can simply write an article with himself and can make a profit for download services.

You can just convert your format to a PDF file. You will not anymore need editors, agents or publishers for your book.

These are some basic steps to create a successful blog:

1. Select a location to begin your blog. It is best to choose a site where you can upload your blog on to it directly. Sites like Blogger and Wordpress are two of the popular ones.

2. Prepare at least three (3) articles per week and add them to your blog. Remember that articles must be posted in the blog. As much as possible, a blog should not be used for product advertisement.

3. After posting, make use of the available ping online servers fully so that many can read your articles. The use of limited default ping services will limit your blog exposure. For a complete list of available ping servers, you can check sites like surreal blog.

4. If the readers find your articles interesting and your services proved to be useful, you now become a reliable resource. Thus, it would be best if your blog contains a shortcut link back to your home or main site.

5. Next, you should add your blog to your home site. You can make a directory containing the list of your blogs. Find a service to post your information if in case you do not have a main site. Do not forget, at least to acknowledge the server.

6. Finally, list your blog to popular blog directories. Some of these directories can charge you a listing fee while some offers it free. It is fine to pay for it since it will largely benefit your blog

These steps can guide you through your blog making. It is hoped that this article provided significant ideas and information about blogging. With this technology, you can now have the power to tell your stories and express yourself. …Read more >>

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Business Blogging For Profit

Remember the old ways of keeping in touch with your clients? You usually patch them through telephone; fax machines, direct mail marketing, and even personal meetings.

But now, entrepreneurs are just smart enough to use the existing Internet technology to be regularly updated of the latest trends in business and at the same time keeping in touch with their clients. There is now text and voice chat, exchanges of e-mail, website forums, and others.

One of the most online business innovation ever made is the transformation of the regular blog posting into an online business tool. Before, blogging is just used for showing different thoughts and ideas. Some are just for fun, while others are for promotion of something that others think is beneficial to other Internet users. In other words, it is just a bunch of personal diaries and bulletin board for those people who want to share their knowledge and thoughts to others.

But think again, it is not just for diary writing or whatever. It is now a promotion tool you can use to boost your business. You can set up blogs in your website and have it with an associated RSS feed. In other words, you can constantly keep in touch with your clients and potential customers as well. In addition, you do not have to e-mail them—your blogs will be responsible in getting the latest news without actually having to visit your website.

From Regular Blogs to Business Blogs

From regular blogs that you post for nothing, now it is called the business blog that can help you save thousands of dollar and providing you great business opportunity with just one click. Not only it is free to use but also it is user-friendly, can be customized, and can be a flexible medium for circulating useful information for effective positioning of your products in the market.

There are some noted advantages of entrepreneurs who engage in business blogging. Here are some of these advantages:

  • There are more than hundred thousands of blogs posted in the Internet. Statistics shows that there are currently 14 million blogs posted in the Internet with an estimated 80,000 more being added everyday. In addition, 30 percent of 50 million Internet users are blog readers. Just think of the number of possible audiences you can attract if you will advertise your product through blogs.
  • Through blogs, you allow your clients to post their comments with regards to the product that you are offering. It can be of great help in improving your product through the suggestions that they will be posting. In addition, you can take immediate actions to your client’s concerns.
  • Since blogs are quite popular to most Internet users, it can be of easy access to your customers. All they have to do is to access to a blogging community, and they can read your latest product offering. Remember that these customers are just willing to create “blogosphere” of comments regarding your product.
How to make your business blogs as effective as other means of Internet advertising? You can submit your blogs to any blog search sites and directories. It will be a wise move especially if your site is just newly-constructed.

Never forget to paste in your blogs the URL back to your site. Your blogs must contain not only the information with regards to your product but only but also exclusive background information. Remember that your customers do not want to see pure figures—they also want context information.

Business blogs provides you marketing possibilities of your product. Maybe your potential clients are just around the corner waiting for you to post your business blog. …Read more >>

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cash Tips For Making Quality Blogs

Looking for information about blogging? You have clicked the right article. This article will give you tips on how you can earn tip on blogging.

Blogging is the easiest way to gain money over the World Wide Web. It originated from writing hobbies and sometimes used to make it as their career. In many ways, people used blogging to earn much money online.

There are obviously many ways to earn extra money through blogging. You can earn tips from blogging, but how are you going to get tips from it?

The answer is simple. You should give the people reasons to give you tips. This is done by giving the good information, reliable sources and highly entertaining that can make them feel that you deserve to be appreciated. In this way, you will be telling them to give you tips. To make your writings invite readers, you should put everything on it.

Polish your writings by providing them with updates, keep your articles fresh, gives real information and writes interesting topics. It is very necessary for you to do well in your writings to be able to make money in this venture. In these ways, your audience will give you tips without you asking it from them.

Once that you have written a perfect article, you are now ready to promote it. You will need to expose your blogs to sell. Market it by targeting the search engines online. With you quality blogs, make sure you are going to get something from it.

Register in the different blog websites submit your blogs to the different search engines and post it to other people’s blogs. In this way, you are going to invite many audiences through your high quality, informative and entertaining contents of your blogs.

The next step after marketing your blogs, you will be ready for some tips. However, there should be a vehicle to which your audience can tip you. There are heaps of ways to gain money or to receive money payments online. There should be at least one way in which the reader can pay you anytime they want. Make sure that the way they are going to pay you will not give them more time. Very critical way of paying will make your readers think of not paying you anymore.

If you want to earn more tips, you can ask them to pay you in some ways. You can add post after a blog telling that tips are appreciated to fund the blogging services. In either way, you also have to state that the clients’ generosity is also appreciated without sounding like you are in a bad need of money.

Blogging can be so much fun, aside from making it a good business. You are sure to gain a lot of money if you are going to work hard for it. One way of making money is to gain tips from your readers. This will be a good replacement for the work that you have done and for giving them entertainment. By making sure that the content of your blog is of high quality, realistic and informative, you are sure to not only gain money but also positive reputation that can make you famous over the web world.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Making Blogging A Habit

Do you know about blogs? How about blogging? If not, read this.

A blog, actually is a blend of two terms from web and log, leading to web log, weblog, and finally to blog. A blog is an online website that is used in the liking of an online journal. It can serve as an important solution to pave way to what you really feel or think in a particular topic. Like other media access, blogs often focus in many particular topics. The topics can range to any kind of subjects, even it discusses about politics, sports, music, fashion, foods, whatever it can bring as long as it can reach the mind of the reader.

Blogs in particular is also very popular as it functions as online diaries. For this attributes all the personal happenings and differences in life as it is available online. Since its appearance in 1995, blogs has dramatically changed the way of communication affecting public opinion and mass media around the globe. Blogs to be precise are connected by blog hosting services or it can be run by using blog software on regular web hosting services.

In relation, the term blogging is the process of authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog. For the person who posts blog entries is called a blogger.

For a blog post typically consists of:
• Title- main title or a headline
• Body- main content of the post
• Comments- added by readers
• Permalink- the URL(Uniform Resource Locator) of all individual article
• Post date- date and time the entry was posted

For some blog entry optionally includes the following:
• Categories or tags- subjects that the content it discusses
• Trackback- links to other sites that is connected to the entry


Blogs has the characteristics that separate it from a standard web page. Blogs allows easy production of new pages. New pages with new data are entered into a simple form usually with the title itself, the category and the main content of the article, and then finally submitted. Templates that are automated, safely adding the article to the homepage, resulting the creation of the new full article page, and finally adding the article to the appropriate date.

Blogs differ from forums or newsgroups, for a reason that only the author or authoring group of the blog posted can create new subjects for discussion. Networks of blogs can serve just as if a forum for in every entity in the blog network can produce subjects.


Different kinds of system are used to produce and maintain blogs. Server-based system can eliminate the need for bloggers to manage the software. Web interfaces systems, users are allowed to work with tools such as Ecto, Elicit, and w.bloggar. For this operation, users are allowed to maintain their web-hosted blog even without the need to be online while making or editing entries. Some notable web hosting companies, such as Tripod, service provider like America Online, and internet portals like Yahoo or Google, provide blog production and hosting.


• Personal- it is like making your diary but online. You can post different kind of thoughts or daily experiences just as you are informing the world what is happening to you.
• Career- usually focused on one’s professional ability and passion
• Cultural- discusses about sports, theatre, music and other arts. Among the most read blogs.
• Business
• Science
• Moblog- a mobile blog, in which the content is posted to the internet from mobile device
• Educational- that is used by students to record what they learn and mentors to record what they teach.

Blogs to this date can be very instrumental in reaching others to know your kind of thoughts, feelings, ability, passions and even having profits. Blogs is like a door to you that someone can knock and enter to your life.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Power Of Blogging

Blogs are becoming more popular nowadays. You will notice that the numbers of blogging sites are increasing. In addition, there are innovations already making its way into blogging.

For instance, instead of pure text content, there is now photo blogging where you can now share your pictures with other bloggers. Aside from the usual call and text features of cellular phones, now you can use it if you want to post your blog. It just manifests that blogging is really becoming popular to people.

If you are not reached yet by the popularity of blogs, continue reading and see for yourself why blogging is just popular to almost every Internet users.

What is Blog?

Before anything else, what is a blog? Generally, it is a web page that has brief and distinct information also known as posts. These posts are arranged in reverse chronological order (that is, the latest comes first) and each post entry is identified by an anchor tag which is marked by a permanent link that can be referred to by others who wish to link to it.

Blogs are considered to be a means of communication and there are numerous types of messages carried by blogs. Some you will find are just vacuums that points to other websites, others displays their greatest essay, some are personal diaries, and others promote newest technology. In other words, bloggers can write anything they want.

Why Blog?

There are hundreds of thousands of blogs posted on the Internet daily. With these numbers, one question will just pop-up in your mind: Why do people blog?

The reason behind is through blogs, people can express themselves freely. Yes, there are other mediums you can use to show to the world what you have got. You can write articles and columns on a local newspaper. But the question is, are you sure all what you have written can be printed? Writing blogs gives you the power to get what you have written printed immediately. No questions asked, nothing more to be asked.

Another reason why many people are blogging is the freedom of design, layout, and its structure. You do not need to have navigation architecture designs of a website nor a structured menu. You can write anything about what you want regardless of what it looks like. Your point is to attract readers in the way that you think is the best. That is the power of blogging—giving you the freedom of what you want your blog to look like.

Before you start your blogging hobby, you need to know first the blogging tools. These tools enable you to post your blogs either on your own website or to a certain blogging community. One popular blogging tool is Blogger software, a web-based tool that does not require you to install software to your personal computer or on your server in case you have your own website. You can access the tool through the Blogger website and your blog pages can be posted to your own site or to a community blog server.

These are just some of the basic things you need to know about blogging. Remember that blogs give you the power to publish anything you want. However, you need to keep in mind that it can be successful if you will be discussing interesting things on it. And do not forget to place a link directing to your own website. It can help you generate the traffic you needed.